Full Course: Bob Jenkins – Sales Funnels Rebuilt
The Problem with Funnels: Most Are Too Complex To Really Work.
It’s true: Every successful business (large and small) relies on marketing campaigns and sales funnels to generate leads and sales. Most sources of funnel marketing education tell you how to build funnels that are far too complex or vague to really work for the everyday entrepreneur or small business marketing team. It’s time to fix that.
In our new course, we’re breaking through all the haze and showing you the proven sales funnels that are working for our 40,000+ LeadPages® customers, and breaking it down into simple steps you can implement into your next profitable marketing campaign. Plus, you get private coaching included to make sure you truly “get it.”
Introducing a New Way to Create Campaigns to Transform Your Business.
We’ll Show You How to Build Any New Campaign in
Sales Funnels Rebuilt. Every Step is Covered:
Micro Funnels
In Sales Funnels Rebuilt, we’ll introduce you to a 100% new way of building sales funnels that’s easy to implement. The secret to their success is the “micro funnel.”
We’ll show you how to use the two types of micro funnels as the buliding blocks for any marketing campaign or funnel you create from now on. And explain it all in plain English!
What You Can Expect In
Sales Funnels Rebuilt:
13 Modules and Private Coaching Included!
You get all the videos, transcripts, audios, worksheets, bonus trainings, campaign worksheets, plus a Next Level Coaching Session with LeadPages’ Master Coach…
All to Help You Get More Leads and Generate More Sales!
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