Full Course: Casey Graham – 0 to 6 figures in 90 days
Inside the resource you will find:
- 52-Page eBook “Zero to 6 Figures in 90 Days – The Secrets to Successful Membership Based Programs In Your Business”
- Two-Part Interview of Casey Graham by Diane Conklin on How He Launched (100 minutes)
- Transcripts of the Interviews
- “Fast Funding” Launch Webinar Recording, Timeline & Review by Diane Conklin
- “Giving Talk” Sales Webinar Recording, Timeline & Review by Diane Conklin
Done-For-You Resources
- Web Screenshots
- Squeeze Page Examples
- Launch Marketing Sequence Examples
- Follow-Up Marketing Sequence Examples
Here’s what Zero to 6 Figures with Continuity will do for you…
- Give you a roadmap for how to start your business and launch large
- Show you how to grow your business the right way…without the hype or pressure, but with integrity & in a way you’re proud of
- Coach you to create income that is sustainable and will provide you with passive, ongoing, leveraged income that is tested and proven and will work for you
- Save you time by giving you a head start on your marketing strategy and communication plan
- Provide you with easy, cheap ways to reach your customers and keep them for life
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