Full Course: David Deutsch – A-List Copywriting Secrets
“Please Stop Writing Copy!”
“I’ve rung up almost a billion dollars in sales for clients from the Fortune 500 to fast-growing small businesses to direct response giants like Boardroom and Agora.
“But it wasn’t by out-writing anyone.
It was by out-thinking them.
“Read on and see why that’s what makes it so easy to create the kind of sales pages, VSLs, ads, and emails that send prospects scurrying for their credit cards.”
— David L. Deutsch
A-List Copywriter, Copy Coach and Trainer
Dear Friend,
In fast-changing times like these, it’s more dangerous than ever to rely on mindlessly applied templates, formulas and “copy hacks.”
And easier than ever to enjoy a huge competitive advantage by rising above the robotic glut of cookie-cutter copy that, in the words of Claude Hopkins, rolls off the prospect like water off a duck.
Of course, there’s nothing wrong with templates, formulas and “copy hacks.” I use them myself from time to time. Even developed a few.
They can be a great STARTING point.
But what’s amazing is that for so many writers and entrepreneurs today, it’s virtually ALL they rely on – never discovering that with a little originality and strategic thinking they can watch conversions skyrocket.
I’ve seen the power of this time and time again over the past few years as copywriter after copywriter I’ve worked with has transformed businesses and their own careers simply by realizing that…
Beats Copywriting
My brand-new program, A-LIST COPYWRITING SECRETS, is the first time I’ve ever revealed the methods I’ve used to bring in close to a billion dollars for my clients.
If you’re a copywriter, watching these videos will enable you to take your copy to the next level – thereby leaving your competition in the dust and commanding higher fees and royalties.
If you’re a marketer, even if you don’t want to write copy yourself (and you probably should), it will give you the concepts, understanding and insight required to get MUCH better copy from your freelance or in-house writers and leave your competitors wondering what hit them.
But naturally, the program is not just videos.
To really drive home the lessons in these videos, I combined them with a series of simple exercises that, when you complete them, give you a finished sales letter for any product or service.
I’ve also given you a window into the kind of thinking and techniques that go into the creation of real-world, world-class promotions by including detailed notes for some of my most successful promotions ever.
And since this program is just being announced, for a VERY limited time you’ll have the opportunity to get special live group coaching from me personally. I’ll be answering questions and expanding on not only what’s in the program, but also my most advanced copywriting and persuasion techniques.
Here’s a preview of what you’ll experience in each module of A-LIST COPYWRITING SECRETS…
DAY 1: Part 1:
The Structure of Copy
Great copy is built on a great structure. This module shows you exactly how to do that and includes…
DAY 1: Part 2:
What Makes Great Copy?
What exactly IS great copy – and how can you produce it? That’s what you’ll discover in this eye-opening section, including…
DAY 1: Part 3:
The Secrets of Copy Strategy
You’ll come out of this module able to generate the kinds of strategies, ideas and concepts that impress clients, build businesses, and enable the copy to practically write itself.
DAY 2: Part 1:
Discover What Really Makes Your Prospects Tick
Watch this video and you’ll know exactly how to find your prospects’ hot buttons, fears, desires, and dreams, including…
DAY 2: Part 2:
Understanding Why They Buy
More advanced tips on better understanding your prospect. Don’t miss…
DAY 2: Part 3:
How to Write Compelling Stories
We never outgrow our love of “Once upon a time.” That’s why stories are such powerful copywriting tools. And in this video, I’ll reveal the storytelling secrets I use…
DAY 2: Part 4:
The Journey to Provoking Action
It’s all for naught unless you get the prospect to act. So don’t miss…
DAY 3: Part 1:
Headlines and Bullet Secrets
I’ve built my reputation and made a lot of money – for myself and my clients – by being able to quickly and easily create great headlines and bullets (those short little “teasers” that reveal a bit about the product or service but make you curious to know more, like the ones here).
And in this module, I reveal my best secrets, such as…
DAY 3: Part 2:
Headlines and Bullet Secrets (Continued…)
Want the advanced stuff too? You got it…
DAY 3: Part 3:
The Body: Keeping the Reader’s Reading and Viewers Viewing
Here’s how to build your body copy so it holds attention and compels your prospect to take action…
DAY 3: Part 4:
The Close: Getting the Sale
The better you are at closing, the better your results will be. Especially when you know…
DAY 4: Part 1:
The Power of the Creative Brief
A great creative brief is the big secret behind some of the best copy ever produced – whether award-winning ad agency commercials or results-producing direct response pieces. Because it’s a handy cheat-sheet that points like a beacon to great ideas and sends you down just the right copywriting path. Creating one (or getting your client to) and putting one to use is easy with secrets like these…
DAY 4: Part 2:
How to Make Good Copy Even Better
Great copy doesn’t always start out great. More often than not, it’s cut and polished into brilliance like a rough diamond in the hands of an expert lapidiarist. Want your copy to dazzle? This module has just what you need…
DAY 4: Part 3:
Questions and Answers
And finally, some of the best stuff came out when participants grilled me in the Q&A…
Million-Dollar Design Secrets
The first bonus session is packed with Lori’s best secrets for increasing response with design. These are techniques you can put to work immediately on your next promotion…
Layout Secrets That Get Attention and Provoke Action
In the next bonus session, you’ll see Lori in action as she works her magic and demonstrates how to lay out copy for maximum response before your eyes. Watch as Lori shows you…
Here’s Everything You’ll Get…
… that will take your copy –- and your income -– to the next level:
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