Download: Jonathan Goodman – The Founding Client Challenge
aid ads or phone selling) GUARANTEED!
GET 1-5 NEW ONLINE TRAINING CLIENTS IN 7 DAYS (with no paid ads or phone selling) GUARANTEED!
Who is it for:
Fit pros
Gym owners
Nutrition coaches
And anybody else working in the fitness industry who wants to get 1-5 new clients in 7 days with no paid advertising or phone selling
What’s needed to start
You do not need a website, landing page, or large social media following prior to embarking on this challenge.
You also do not need to have trained clients online before. But if you have, that’s fine too. Nothing needs to be done in advance. Just come prepared to take action.
You do need a Facebook and/or Instagram account (personal is fine, you don’t need a business account).
How the Challenge Works and Why It’s so Effective
You’ll tell prospects up front that you’re testing a new program, and you’re inviting them to be a part of the process.
(And no worries if you’re experienced. You can still market a new program with a new hook or angle for more clients. We’ll show you how.)
In return for becoming founding clients of your online training program, they get a big discount–a great deal you’ll never er to anyone else.
This simple tweak in language gives you the permission to take (im)perfect action while simultaneously giving you the most sensational elements you could ever include in a marketing promotion: a compelling er with a limited number of spots and a fixed expiration date.
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