Full Course: Nathan Chan – Rapid Course Formula
How We Create 7-Figure Courses From
Scratch Using Foundr’s Never Revealed
“Rapid Course Formula”
The Step-by-step Process Used To Create, Launch, & Sell
100+ Successful Online Courses From Scratch!
A Profitable Time To Be An Online “Creator”
Right now is one of the most profitable times we’ve seen to be a “creator”
People are building six and seven-figure businesses seemingly out of thin air by simply turning their unique knowledge into valuable online courses.
And some aren’t even sharing their own knowledge! They’re following the “Foundr playbook” and partnering with other world-class experts and having them teach their courses just like we do!
But right now if you want to get on the fastest path there is to building wealth online, you have to make a simple decision…
You must decide to create, not just consume.
Because all kinds of creators in every industry imaginable — from influencers, bloggers, coaches, consultants, and even existing business owners…
Are all tapping into this massively profitable online educational movement by selling online courses.
Imagine getting paid just to be yourself?
Imagine how energizing it feels when your work is your passion?
Imagine waking up to emails from happy customers whose lives were changed simply because of the content you put out?
All from sharing your unique skills, knowledge, and impactful message with the world…
By turning your passion for learning, teaching, and serving others into a wildly profitable online course business…
While building a location independent income, allowing you to never have to worry about financial freedom or “job security” ever again!
How “Going Remote” Ignited A Billion-dollar Boom In Online Education…
And right now we’re currently in the middle of the most historic boom the online education space has ever seen.
Because as you know, the entire world was forced to dramatically change and create “new normals”.
Progress that was supposed to take years, was advanced in just months.
Schools, universities, and even some of the biggest employers in the world are now going completely online.
We’re learning remotely…
Working remotely…
Buying remotely…
And most importantly, more course creators than ever before are making money remotely.
In fact, a recent study predicts that due to recent global events the online education market will nearly double to in the next few years alone!
Your Chance to Become a Course Creator
Nathan Chan, CEO of Foundr Magazine
So if you have special skills or a unique message and you want to turn it into a 2nd income stream but you’re not sure where to start…
Or you already have an audience or an existing service-based business and you’re searching for new ways to add even more value to your community…
…by creating new products and turning your knowledge or expertise into a valuable online course…
Or even if you’re simply wanting to start an online business but don’t know what next step to take…
…there’s never been a better time for you than right now!
And while others waste time and money guessing on how to create, market, and sell their course…
Our new Rapid Course Formula gives you an in-depth roadmap that’s been perfected while creating more than 100 different courses and building an 8-figure company from scratch!
It’s a true behind-the-scenes look at how we create 7-figure courses from scratch.
But first let’s explore…
6 reasons why
People Are Succeeding With Online Courses
Extremely Low Cost
Packaging up your knowledge, skills, or unique message is one of the lowest cost ways to start a new online business.
You don’t need to spend money on an office or hiring employees, and there’s no inventory or even logistics to worry about.
Your course is delivered digitally at the click of a button from anywhere in the world!
No Expertise Required &
Beginner Friendly
You don’t need any expertise to start, and with all the easy-to-use technology now available, it’s about as “beginner friendly” as it gets.
And if you’re thinking you don’t have some special unique knowledge or skill set but you still like the business model of selling online courses…
Just simply do what we do here at Foundr and partner with world-class experts to teach your courses! We show you exactly how we do it inside The Rapid Course Formula.
Quick & Easy Production
Did you know that many six-figure courses have been produced in just a few weeks using nothing more than a laptop and smartphone?
Seriously, you’re already carrying a viable film studio around in your pocket.
Creators are getting paid thousands to create content they record straight from their phone teaching on things they’re passionate about. Talk about a dream business.
High Profit & Price Flexibility
In business, profit margins matter…a lot!
Since online courses cost almost nothing to create and don’t need to be shipped or stored in some expensive warehouse or office, these products have the highest profit margin of nearly anything you could possibly sell.
Plus they’re incredibly price flexible. They can be sold from $7 to $7,000 and everything in between.
One of the biggest lessons we’ve learned at Foundr — after having 100,000+ paying customers and producing 100+ successful online courses…
…is that success is rarely about “being cheap”. Instead people want their problems solved and they’re willing to pay for results.
Evergreen & Highly Scalable
One of the most powerful aspects of online courses is that the content can be made “evergreen” and is highly scalable.
Meaning you can create it once and without changing a thing, sell it for years to come to an almost unlimited audience!
That’s why we always say “create it once and you can leverage it again and again”.
And it’s how you can finally stop trading time for money. You can make “doctor money” without the doctor hours, headaches, and mountains of debt.
Perfect Side-hustle Or First Online Business
Starting a new business is really all about risk reduction.
How can you stack the deck in your favor and “test” your idea in such a way as to minimize any potential losses.
That’s why so many first time entrepreneurs find first time success in selling online courses. The products are quick and easy to create, plus it doesn’t require time while they’re at work.
And it doesn’t require them to be “all or nothing” having to bet the farm that it’ll work.
The Fastest Way For You To Create Your Own
Online Course
Today anyone can create their own profitable online course from scratch.
From the comfort of your home you can create a valuable course one time, and have it make money for you month after month without ever having to worry about logistics, supply chain, or expensive overhead.
And the fastest way to create your first course…
Is to simply follow a proven step-by-step course creation roadmap.
Proven Shortcuts Learned From Creating 100+ Online Courses
We know because our team has done it 100+ times!
We’ve taken everything we’ve learned…boiling down every single actionable insight, tool, and idea worth sharing into the most in-depth online course training ever made available!
The Rapid Course Formula is a behind-the-scenes look at how we create 7-figure courses from scratch.
Plus we’re even revealing how we partner with other experts to teach our courses!
So you truly don’t even need to be an expert yourself. You can partner with others like we do.
Meet your instructor
Nathan Chan went from a soul-crushing 9-5 job in IT to now being the founder and CEO of Foundr Magazine, one of the fastest growing online entrepreneurial brands in the world today.
Bootstrapped from day one, Foundr now has 2.3+ million followers on Instagram alone with its website being visited by more than 4 million people every single year!
He’s had the rare opportunity to work alongside some of the most iconic entrepreneurs of our age. Interviewing people like Mark Cuban, Arianna Huffington, Tim Ferriss, Jack Dorsey, and more!
That idea turned side hustle has now transformed into an 8-figure global media empire, with millions of loyal fans, and online courses which are changing people’s lives.
Along the way, Nathan has also:
- Has gone from zero to more than 100,000+ customers in only 6 years!
- Assembled the Foundr team responsible for creating 100+ online courses.
- Top 10 ranked ‘Business & Investing Magazine’ on the app store.
- Bootstrapped an 8-figure business with nearly 30 employees without ever receiving a penny of outside funding!
- Built an Instagram following of more than 2.3 million followers.
Nathan Chan,
CEO of Foundr Magazine
Module 1:
Online Business Fundamentals
In this module you’ll learn the correct foundation for both starting and growing your online course business. Everything from identifying if your idea is something people will pay you for, to learning how to create “evergreen” course content.
- Lesson 1: Rapid Course Formula Overview
- Lesson 2: Passion or Skills
- Lesson 3: Evergreen Content & Long Term Strategy
- Lesson 4: Setting Your Goals
- Lesson 5: Market Research
- Lesson 6: Finding A Painkiller Idea
- Lesson 7: Moving The Needle
Module 2:
Validating Your Course Idea
In these 9 in-depth videos you’ll learn how to get people to pay you for your course before you ever producing a single piece of content. This is our famous “sell first – built later” course philosophy. It’s the fastest way to start bringing in sales and ensuring that the idea you’re working on is the right one.
- Lesson 1: Validating Your Course Topic
- Lesson 2: Validation Hack #1
- Lesson 3: Validation Hack #2
- Lesson 4: How To Presale Your Course
- Lesson 5: Payment Setup
- Lesson 6: The Live Webinar Strategy
- Lesson 7: The Online Workshop Framework
- Lesson 8: 1-on-1 Coaching Method
- Lesson 9: How to Partner with Experts to Build Your Course
Module 3:
Building Your Audience Before Launch
You’ve validated your course idea, now it’s time to start building your audience. You’ll discover the proven tactics — the same ones we’re using at Foundr — for attracting your perfect customers. This module will help you create a loyal and passionate community.
- Lesson 1: The Power of Your Email List
- Lesson 2: Choosing One Channel
- Lesson 3: Foundr’s “Audience Growth” Equation
- Lesson 4: Lead Magnets – Part 1
- Lesson 5: Lead Magnets – Part 2
- Lesson 6: 1,000 True Fans
- Lesson 7: How To Write Compelling Emails
- Lesson 8: Growth Hacking Any Blog
Module 4:
In this module you’ll get a start to finish million-dollar education in production. Covering everything from production on a budget to a more “white glove” experience. No matter what works for you, you’ll be able to produce a course you’re proud of.
- Lesson 1: Meet Foundr’s Head of Course Production
- Lesson 2: Foundr’s Proven 7-Step Course Creation Process
- Lesson 3: Course Content Development Outline
- Lesson 4: Frameworks That Actually Work
- Lesson 5: Naming Your Course
- Lesson 6: Pre-Production Planning
- Lesson 7: Production Approach: Video / Filming
- Lesson 8: 10 Tips For On-Site Production
- Lesson 9: Production Approach: Screen Recording
- Lesson 10: Post-Production Workflow: Editing Your Course
Module 5:
We’ve tried nearly every online course product tech imaginable. In this module you’ll get our “best of the best” advice which will save you time, money, and hundreds of headaches. You’ll learn how to leverage tools to get your course out into the world faster than ever before.
- Lesson 1: Hosting The Course: What Are My Options?
- Lesson 2: Publisher Tool Walkthrough
- Lesson 3: Platform Tool Walkthrough
- Lesson 4: DIY Setup Walkthrough
- Lesson 5: How To Effectively Price Your Course
Module 6:
In this module the rubber meets the road as you’ll discover our six-figure launch process. We’ve left nothing out! Whether you want to “swipe and deploy” or tweak what we give you to make it your own, you’ll have everything you need to create a successful launch and start generating new customers right from the start.
- Lesson 1: Launch Calendar & Project Plan
- Lesson 2: Crafting Your Irresistible Offer
- Lesson 3: The Scarcity Based Launch Framework
- Lesson 4: Social Proof & Testimonials
- Lesson 5: Sales Page
- Lesson 6: Launch Email Sequence Part 1
- Lesson 7: Launch Email Sequence Part 2
- Lesson 8: Social Media Promo
- Lesson 9: Stacking Bonuses
- Lesson 10: Conclusion
Foundr’s Strict “No Guru” Policy
Here at Foundr we want to create the most comprehensive, easy to follow online education platform for entrepreneurs wanting to start or grow a business.
We teach our community to create all kinds of online businesses from freelancing and consulting, to ecommerce, SaaS, copywriting, and everything in between.
And one of the businesses people most want to learn right now is how to create an online course business.
But just be 100% transparent with you…
We’ve been super hesitant to do this.
Mainly because we know it’s hard to trust a person “aka a guru” who’s literally made all their money selling courses instead of actually building any real businesses.
We certainly don’t trust them.
And it’s actually why here at Foundr we have a strict “No Guru” policy.
We only work with proven practitioners, real entrepreneurs who have actually built the exact business they’re teaching you about in our courses.
It Was Time To Share Our
Rapid Course Formula With You
However even with our hesitation, we feel like it’s gotten to the point where we have no choice but to do something…
With so much rubbish, hype, and flat out lying in the marketplace…
Plus constantly having our community asking us for a training like this…
We knew it was time we produced something that would shake up the entire industry.
So we invested more than and close to a thousand hours building and producing this course to ensure it produces results for you.
All built on a proven process with zero theory.
But mainly we built it because here at Foundr we’re on a mission to bring proven entrepreneurial education to the masses.
We’ve already helped tens of thousands of students successfully turn their business ideas into reality…
And want you to have all the tools and resources so you can be nextBecause right now the opportunity in the online education industry and creator space is one of the biggest opportunities available.
It’s booming unlike anything we’ve ever seen!
Think of it…
When you add up all the normal upfront costs required to start other businesses…
Leasing office space, paying for inventory, hiring employees…
You could easily be six-figures in debt before you ever even started.
And then you’d still have to deal with razor thin margins!
Yet with an online course business, one which you can start with just a smartphone, a laptop, and your unique knowledge…
You can be profitable from day one with literally no costly overhead!
Now, a lot of people have asked us if we do consulting and whether we could take them on as clients and help grow their online course business.
With full transparency, while we’re extremely humbled by these kinds of requests, this is not something that Foundr does because we’re a magazine and media company.
But if we did charge for consulting we could easily charge thousands of dollars per month.
However the next best way which we can serve you is by offering you exact in-depth knowledge in this class…
And help you realize now more than ever, just how possible it is to start your online course business.
So we’ve brought together the entire team on this course to share the behind-the-scenes of how
you too can create a 7-figure course from scratch.
And right now you can get instant access to every for just a day!
That’s less than the cost of a single Starbucks.
Also when you invest in yourself today, we’re investing in you as well. That’s why your entire purchase is covered by our 365-day money back guarantee! So there’s nothing to lose.
The Cost Of
Where will you be 30, 60, or 90 days from now?
By following the blueprint laid out for you inside Rapid Course Formula, you could have your online course created and already have sales rolling in! Will it take some hard work and dedicated focus? Of course it will. Run from anyone who tells you otherwise.
But aren’t a few months of work worth the ability to have a location independent income? One that provides the passion, financial security, and peace of mind that many people only wish of.
That’s what’s waiting for you. That’s what’s on the other side of this program.
And instead of wasting time, money, and energy trying to figure out the most effective way to do this all on your own with no guarantee of success…
You could simply invest in the Rapid Course Formula, and for barely a day, get access to the exact process that’s launched more than 100 successful online courses and helped build an 8-figure business from scratch!
Plus Rapid Course Formula qualifies as a tax-deductible expense under the continuous education category, so you can write it off come tax time.
By Joining Today
You’ll Also Receive Instant Access
To These 7 Awesome Bonuses
Landing Page Formula
Your first bonus is instant access to another ENTIRE FOUNDR COURSE…absolutely free!
Since the first step to launching any successful course is turning visitors into potential prospects, this course will help you succeed even faster.
The Landing Page Formula is taught by none other than the founder of UnBounce, Oli Gardner and is a complete guide for optimizing all of your most important pages online.
Also known as “Mr. Landing Page” Oli has analyzed, critiqued, and broken down more than 100,000 landing pages! He knows exactly how to make pages covert.
And we’ve packaged all of his priceless insights on how to create conversion focused pages into this breakthrough course called The Landing Page Formula.
This course normally sells for, but it’s included totally free with your investment in The Rapid Course Formula.
List Building Mastery
But it gets better because your second bonus is another ENTIRE FOUNDR COURSE!
To help you grow your audience of potential buyers even faster, we’re including List Building Mastery taught by the founder of Gleam.io, Stuart McKeown.
He’s generated more than a billion online leads and has clients like Shopify, HubSpot, and LootCrate. And inside List Build Mastery Stuart provides step by step proven content on how to grow your list the right way as fast as possible.
He reveals case studies of some of his most successful clients and how they’ve used these strategies to build lists of over a million subscribers!
This course also normally sells for, but it’s included totally free with your investment in The Rapid Course Formula
3 Free Months Of Teachable
Your 3rd bonus isn’t even available to all Foundr students, only specifically to Rapid Course Formula students…
But since you’ll need a place to host your new profitable course, we’re including 3 months of FREE access to Teachable, the leading all-in-one online course creation platform!
From hosting your course videos to processing payments, Teachable does it all for you!
Foundr’s Launch Vault
While most people normally waste far too much figuring out how to launch, what pages to build, which emails to send, and even what to say…
Inside our very own Launch Vault you’ll get access to done for you templates and the exact plug-and-play campaigns that we use internally! The same ones that have generated millions in sales for us.
This will help you launch faster by saving you at least 50 hours of implementation time.
How To Find & Hire
Amazing Freelancers
To Grow Your Business
We’ll show you exactly how we find top talent at cost effective prices so you can grow your business without you doing all the work! Building a remote team like this allows you to scale faster and cheaper while freeing up your own time.
Rapid Course Formula Members Only Facebook Group
This private group is filled with other online course entrepreneurs who are sharing their strategies, lessons learned, and what’s working for them right now. This group allows you to network and even find ways to collaborate and promote each other’s courses!
How To Create A Digital Magazine
This popular training reveals how to create a digital magazine! This shows you exactly how we started and scaled the Foundr magazine into what it is today. Plus how we landed big name interviews like Richard Branson, Mark Cuban, and Arianna Huffington even when we were just starting out.
Using this you can create a digital magazine out of any idea or unique knowledge you have!
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