Full Course: Stefan Georgi & Justin Goff – Copy Accelerator Virtual Mastermind
Justin Goff & Stefan Georgi Want To Make You The Offer Of A Lifetime…
“Give Us Just 2.5 Days, And We’ll
Hand You ALL The Best Secrets Our Copy Accelerator Members Are Using To Bring In 200, 500 And Even 1000 Buyers A Day In The Middle Of A Global Pandemic!”
These are the SAME proven strategies that VShred… Credit Secrets… Biotrust… PaleoHacks… 4Patriots… Natural Health Sherpa… and other juggernauts are using RIGHT NOW to increase conversions, skyrocket Average Order Values, and acquire MASS Amounts of customers from COLD Traffic!
And we want to teach ALL of them to you during our
first ever LIVE Copy Accelerator Virtual Event…
Join us from the comfort of your home…
Without having to worry about viruses… flights… hotel costs…
jet lag… travel bans… or “getting stuck in quarantine!”
Here’s a small sample of what you can expect from the event..
- Justin Goff will walk you through PROVEN “Upsell Optimizers” for extracting 20… 30… even 41 MORE dollars from EACH buyer who goes through your funnel (Make these simple tweaks and you’ll be able to easily afford ALL the traffic you can handle)
- Stefan Georgi will hand you a proven step-by-step playbook for launching and SCALING new offers (Stefan’s offers are currently grossing over $20 Million PER monthfor him and his clients… and this playbook is a big reason WHY he’s able to pump out such consistent winners)
- Join our Virtual Cocktail Party… and network with heavy-hitters from VShred, Credit Secrets, Traffic & Funnels, 4Patriots, Natural Health Sherpa, Back To Life, BioTrust, PaleoHacks… and dozens of other direct response GIANTS… generating over 1 BILLION in combined revenue this year!
- Take part in our Million Dollar MatchMaking Sessions… where we connect business owners with “perfect fit” copywriters and media buyers… who can help add MILLIONS to your bottom line this year… (If you’re a FREELANCER looking for your BIG BREAK, this is how you “cut the line” and get BOOKED SOLID with your DREAM CLIENTS.)
- Plus… POWERFUL presentations from 8-figure business owners like Emily Lark, TRUE A-List copywriters (David Deutsch, Carline Anglade-Cole, Marcella Allison, Dan Ferrari), world-class traffic experts (Mike Buontempo, Amber Spears) and MORE!
There’s A Small Group Of Copywriters And Direct Response Marketers Who Are Absolutely THRIVING…
This group seems to be immune to all the chaos around them.
They never worry about stimulus checks… or unemployment extensions… or PPP loans…
Because they’re too busy SCALING their businesses…
And shattering revenue records month after month.
Inside this group…
You’ll find 20 year-old freelancers like Ed Reay… who already QUADRUPLED his monthly income this year.
You’ll also find first-time offer owners… like Jonathan Boyd and Conor Boyland…
Who are both currently scaling their offers on COLD traffic… in the guitar training and dating niches.
You’ll even find freelancers-TURNED-offer owners like Jeremy Reeves… who recently had his first million dollar month.
And… of course… you’ll find plenty of the “big dogs,” too…
9-figure juggernauts like VShred…
Who often hit million dollar DAYS…
And are on track to do over $200 million this year.
Simply put…
No matter which “lane” you’re currently in…
We can point you to MULTIPLE people inside this group…
Who are in that very same lane… and absolutely KILLING IT.
So… What’s Their Secret?
HOW are the people in this group printing more money than the federal reserve…
While so many of those on the outside… struggle just to keep the lights on?
Well… to give you the answer…
We Have To Take You Back In Time To February 26th, 2020…
That’s just a few days before all the corona craziness kicked in…
And cities across the world started shutting down.
On that day…
Over 200 of the smartest minds in direct response…
Assembled at the beautiful Venetian Resort in Las Vegas…
For a PRIVATE closed-door MASTERMIND.
It was the second LIVE meeting of our exclusive Copy Accelerator group…
And over two-and-a-half action-packed days…
Justin, Stefan, And A Hand-Selected Group Of Special Guests Gave Away Our BEST Secrets For Driving Massive Amounts Of Revenue In 2020…
Emotional Storytelling Secrets…
Massive split testing wins…
Increasing AOV…
Skyrocketing Lifetime Customer Value…
Anything you could possibly want to know about converting cold traffic… and scaling your business…
We covered ALL of it.
And what made those 2.5 days TRULY special…
Is that NOTHING we shared was based on any unproven theory.
Instead… like ALL our events…
Every Secret, Tactic, And Strategy Revealed In That Private Room Was Backed By
REAL, Undeniable Data…
Everything we shared was PROVEN to be effective… at the absolute HIGHEST levels of direct response.
And we truly mean that, because we gave away…
The Exact Strategies Our Copy Accelerator Mastermind Members Are ACTIVELY Using… To Drive Over $1 Billion In Combined Revenue THIS Year!
And that’s why…
Pretty much every attendee we talked to…
From rockstar copywriters…
To million-dollar-a-month media buyers…
To 7, 8, and 9-figure business owners…
Flat out told us…
“This Was By Far The Best Event I’ve Ever Been To!”
Every Time You Attend A Copy Accelerator Event, You Increase Your Income…
That’s why we have so many repeat attendees.
That’s why the MOST successful entrepreneurs in our space clear their busy schedules… so they make it out to our events.
Because the ROI you get from those events is off the charts.
Which is also why…
So many of our Copy Accelerator members have been HOUNDING us…
Asking when we’re putting on our NEXT event.
Honestly… the anticipation was a bit surprising.
Yeah, we know people are consistently blown away by our events…
That part wasn’t a surprise.
But with the current state of the world right now…
We weren’t sure if anyone would actually be willing to GO to an event.
But when we floated the idea to our private mastermind members…
The response was overwhelming.
Like 95% of our members told us they were IN… no questions asked.
One of our members even joked that…
“I don’t care if you held the event at the Wuhan Institute Of Virology. I’m there. Because the value is just too damn good to pass up.”
But while we appreciate the support…
There’s still a lot we had to take into consideration.
Because the LAST thing we’d ever want to do is put any of our members at risk…
Or force them to make a choice between their health and safety… or their business.
And since the virus is still surging in many parts of the United States…
Finding a safe and secure location to host over 200 marketers was going to be extremelydifficult.
Plus… these events have to be booked MONTHS in advance…
So with so much uncertainty…
We’d HATE to have our members spend money on flights and hotels…
Just to have some government body swoop in and cancel the event on us at the last minute.
That would be a disaster.
Even if we were able to secure some sort of “protective bubble” like the NBA is doing…
There’s still another problem, too.
Because we wouldn’t want to exclude any of our international members, either.
After all, Copy Accelerator has many members who live in Asia… Australia… and all throughout Europe.
And even if these members WERE willing to take the risk of hopping on a plane right now…
Certain travel restrictions and mandatory quarantines… would have made it IMPOSSIBLE for them.
So this put us in a tricky spot.
Obviously people get a TON of value out of our events.
And We’ve Made So Many Breakthroughs Since Our Last Event… We Feel OBLIGATED To
Share These New Secrets With Our Members…
But how do we pull off a mastermind event…
Which lives up to our impeccable standards…
WITHOUT putting people’s health at risk…
OR alienating our international members?
That was a tough riddle to crack.
And it took us weeks to figure it out.
But after careful deliberation…
And countless back-and-forth with our rockstar event-planning team…
We came up with a solution.
Something truly special.
And we’re confident you’re gonna be REALLY excited about it.
Because we came up with an innovative plan that will allow you to…
Get The FULL Experience Of Our World-Class LIVE Copy Accelerator Events…
Without Even Having To Leave Your Home!
And yes… we said the FULL experience.
Because we found a way to take all the cutting-edge conversion secrets we share at our private events…
PLUS… all the unmatched networking opportunities our events offer…
And transfer ALL of it…
Into A One-Of-A-Kind LIVE Virtual Experience!
Which means you get to harness ALL the same profit-boosting power our events are KNOWN for…
Except this time, you get it…
WITHOUT having to worry about getting coughed or sneezed on…
WITHOUT spending a single dime on flights or hotels…
And WITHOUT dealing with any jet lag… travel bans… or getting stuck in quarantine!
Because You Can Enjoy This Entire Experience… From The Comfort Of Your Own Home!
So not only do you save the COSTS of traveling…
But you get to save the TIME of traveling, too!
And that’s a HUGE benefit.
Because now… when we deliver TACTICAL conversion-boosting strategies to you…
You (and your team) will be able to implement those strategies IMMEDIATELY…
And you can start making a substantial ROI… WHILE the event is still going on.
Because you won’t have to “wait until you get home” to take action…
You’ll already BE home!
Or at the office…
Or wherever you do your BEST work.
And if you’re a busy freelancer… or a business owner who has a lot to juggle…
Getting to SKIP those “travel days” that tire you out and screw up your productivity can be a huge relief.
But… let us be VERY clear about this.
Just because you’re able to join this event from home…
That DOESN’T mean we’re gonna be sticking you on some lifeless webinar…
Where you’ll start zoning out… and scrolling through Facebook.
Because Our LIVE Copy Accelerator Virtual EventIs An Immersive, Fully-Interactive Experience!
We’ve invested in extremely high-quality production…
That makes you feel like you’re right there in the room with us.
And for all intents and purposes…
You WILL be right there in the room with us.
Because you’ll have ALL the same opportunities to ask questions… just like you would at usual LIVE events.
The ONLY difference is…
You won’t be sitting in some stuffy conference room… at a crowded table… waiting for a germy mic to get passed around.
Instead you’ll be safe at home… in FULL comfort… wearing whatever the hell you want…
While our moderators make sure your questions get answered.
And let’s be honest…
That sounds nice, doesn’t it?
When we were planning this virtual event…
Justin mentioned how this is a PERFECT scenario for introverts.
It’s a dream-come-true setup for those who don’t like to travel…
But still want to make the BIGGEST possible breakthroughs in their business.
And he’s absolutely right.
It IS a special opportunity to get all the BENEFITS of a world-class live event… without any of the stuff you might not enjoy.
But even though this virtual experience is “unusually” introvert-friendly…
Justin Goff
Stefan Georgi
Dan Ferrari
Emily Lark
Marcella Allison
David Deutsch
Carline Anglade-Cole
Amber Spears
Mike Buontempo
We Are EXTREMELY Proud Of This Lineup Of Guest Speakers…
Every single one of them has been selected for a specific reason…
Because they’re the MOST qualified in their area of expertise.
So we KNOW they’re going to deliver the goods…
And help you take your business or copywriting career to the NEXT level.
But we can’t let these speakers have ALL the fun…
So before we wrap up…
Justin and Stefan are going to both take the stage AGAIN…
For TWO more special sessions.
“We’re Going To Walk You Through Zebra Ads That Jump Off The Page…
And Force Your Prospects To Click!”
We did a session on this during our Vegas event…
And people found it EXTREMELY valuable.
So now… we’re coming back for the SEQUEL.
We have TONS of examples of recent ads that have been CRUSHING it.
And we’re gonna break these ads down for you…
So you can take the same concepts that make them successful…
And use them to sell more of YOUR products.
Then… for our final session…
We’re Going To Walk You Through Some Of TheBiggest Wins Our Copy Accelerator Members
Have Achieved In The Last 6 Months…
This is true “INSIDER” level stuff.
Think about it…
Members pay $35,000.00 a year to be in Copy Accelerator.
They’re spending tens of MILLIONS on traffic and testing…
And driving over 100 MILLION in revenue… every month.
That leads to LOTS of big wins…
The kind of wins you WON’T ever find us talking about in public Facebook groups.
Because we save those wins for our PRIVATE events…
And only share them with those on the INSIDE.
But when you attend one of our events… you become part of the family.
And as we walk you through the BIGGEST wins from Copy Accelerator…
You won’t just become “inspired…”
You’ll also find untapped opportunities to increase YOUR revenue.
After that, we’ll “officially” wrap up the event…
And make sure you’re walking away with a CLEAR plan to APPLY what we shared.
But the fun doesn’t stop there…
If you’re heard anything about our events, you know we like to go out with a bang…
Copy Accelerator Lite costs $15,000.00 a year…
But when you qualify for the LIVE Copy Accelerator Virtual Event…
We’re going to give you FREE Access to Copy Accelerator LITE… all the way up until AFTER the event!
So the sooner you sign up… the LONGER you have access.
And that’s extremely important…
Because as a member of Copy Accelerator LITE, you get access to our WEEKLY Zoom calls.
Every Tuesday at 1PM EST…
Justin and Stefan give IN-DEPTH trainings on different aspects of direct response marketing.
These calls typically run for about 60-75 minutes…
And they’ll focus on important topics such as…
- Writing killer headlines that are impossible to ignore…
- Crafting email creatives that skyrocket clickthrough rates…
- Putting together “Perfect Upsell Funnels” that convert like crazy…
- Sometimes we pick out BLOCKBUSTER offers that are currently crushing it… and break those offers down to analyze WHY they’re so successful. (We recently did this with the Resurge offer that’s #1 on Clickbank at the moment)
- And about once a month, we do OPEN calls… where you can ask Stefan and Justin ANYTHING you want… and even get LIVE FEEDBACK on your copy.
Each one of these calls can easily be worth $1450 on its own.
But once you qualify for the LIVE Copy Accelerator Virtual Event…
You’ll Be Able To Attend Every Call Between Now And The Event…
(Which begins on September 9th).
And if that’s not EXCITING enough…
You’ll Also Have Access To Our Entire Archive Of Past Calls!
This is an INCREDIBLE library of marketing gold.
At the current time…
There are over 75 calls in the archive…
- In-depth breakdowns of all components of Stefan’s breakthrough RMBC System (The 4-step system he uses to crank out world-class sales letters in 2-3 days)
- A 7-video series featuring Justin Goff’s PROVEN strategies for writing emails that CRUSH (Including 4 simple “Email Types” which consistently work on COLD traffic… which is almost INFINITELY scalable.)
- A 4-part series on the “Biggest Needle Movers” (Simple tweaks you can make… to get “losing” sales letters to start performing like WINNERS. Implement these for clients and they’ll think you’re a GENIUS.)
- A special training on writing FASCINATIONS that create deep-burning curiosity… which gets prospects to DEVOUR your sales messages… and BUY your products (Plus… WHERE to put these fascinations so they make the BIGGEST possible impact)
- 6 “Copywriting Business” calls where Justin and Stefan show Freelancers how to land clients, charge more money, and start setting up LUCRATIVE performance deals (How would you like to get paid $60K to write a simple upsell? They’ll show you how you can pull this off.)
- And much more!
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