Online course: Steven Mellor – Gram Accelerator
What You Get:
There are over 50 Lessons that we’ll cover over 4 Phases that will teach you everything you need to know to grow your brand on Instagram and that following into cash flow.
BUILD PHASE (11 Lessons)
Build Rules
Account Types vs. Page Types
Market Research
Pick Your Niche
Branding 101
Picking a Username
Setting up your Profile
Building your Landing Page
Building your Mood Board / Swipe Files
Tracking Your Progress
Mistakes to Avoid
GROW (16 Lessons)
Growth Rules
IG 201
Audit Your Profile
CAVE Method
PEM Method
10×2 Method
BARE Method
Leverage Other Socials
Diversify Your Brand
Mistakes to Avoid
CREATE PHASE (17 Lessons)
Create Rules
Study The Market
Types of Content
TEA Methods
Content Schedule
Shareable Content
Storytelling Frameworks
Post Sizes
Template Layouts
Create a Carousel
Create a Reel
Story Design
Create a Quote Card
Audiograms from Podcasts
Services that help
Mistakes to Avoid
MONETIZE (11 Lessons)
Money Rules
Free vs. Paid Content
Understanding Traffic
Lead Generation Content
Pricing Examples
Successful Brand Monetization
12 Ways to monetize your brand
Setting Up Your Systems for Monetization
Selling a Digital Product
Setting up a Coaching Business
20 of my top posts + source files
Carousel Secrets Guide + templates
Categories: Product For Sale, Social Media
Steven Mellor, Gram Accelerator
Stephanie (verified owner) –
Invest in your skills; it pays dividends.
EditorMaster –
We’re excited to have you as a student.